Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Candy Bouquet, Anyone?

No fooling, it's April!!  Bring on the spring!!

You may have noticed I've been neglecting my poor blog of late. In addition to the challenges my family has faced over the past couple of weeks, I've also been busy preparing for my school's annual Arts Awards event coming up this Thursday.  Each year the fine arts department puts on a big shindig to honour the students who have made significant contributions to the arts programs at our school.  This year we are doing a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory theme.  The decor, entertainment and food will all centre around candy and chocolate!  Fun!!  I am in charge of table settings and decor and (naiively) decided to make candy bouquets for the centrepieces, thinking I'd be making ten, as we usually have about that number of tables.  Here is what I came up with:

Candy bouquet made using the (retired) Flower Folds die and the (current) Spiral Flower die.
Fun, huh?  Well...surprise!  We sold 150 tickets, which means 36 centrepieces!!  Yikes!!  That's A LOT of flowers...19 per bouquet to be exact!  My poor Big Shot has been working overtime but I got them done last weekend.  In case you're wondering, here is what 36 bouquets look like:

Thank goodness I have a large diningroom table!  My son and I had quite the assembly line going...he was a big help!  Lots of work, but they look great!  I think my students will love them...some will even be taking them home as we are giving them away as doorprizes.  Just a word to the wise, if you ever volunteer to do something like this make sure you know exactly what you're getting into!!


  1. My goodness, Leena, you're right! I get myself in a lot of jams for church projects, too. lol - they're beautiful, by the way. Totally worth it!

  2. Your bouquets are super cute and look yummy! I think you and your Big Shot have earned a rest.

  3. A-MAZ-ING!!! So awesome Leena. Everyone is going to love them!!

  4. Those are so awesome! Great job Leena!
